InterBay – reviews, analysis and fees

Last updated on 10 August 2023

InterBay is a specialist in commercial mortgages, though a sister site also offers asset finance for a range of industries.

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InterBay is owned by the same parent company as Kent Reliance, who you will find profiled elsewhere on this site. InterBay will consider working with direct applications, but the acceptance criteria for this lender are pretty strict.

If you are interested in borrowing from InterBay to invest in commercial property, you may be better served taking the financial hit and applying through a broker.

Even then, question if this is a worthwhile endeavour – InterBay does not have the best reputation online, with many reviews complaining that this lender strings out the application process for longer than necessary and rarely comes to a positive conclusion.

Video: Business loans and finance explained

InterBay business property loans and mortgage finance

Pros and cons of InterBay for business finance 

Wide range of commercial mortgage products No business loans available, only mortgages and asset finance
Asset finance also available through a separate website May only agree to work with you through a broker, which means more fees. Either way, InterBay charges a set-up fee
Very few online reviews, and those that do exist are almost universally negative
InterBay pros and cons

Commercial mortgages

InterBay offers four core commercial mortgage products. Interest rates will vary on these products, depending on how much you lay down as a deposit. The greater value you purchase upfront, the lower your interest rate will be. The best offers are typically capped at a 65% loan-to-value ratio, repaid over a short period. Set-up fees will also apply.


Borrow up to 75% of the value of a commercial property that your business will trade from or let to another SME. 


Borrow up to 75% of the value of a property that will be used for both business trading and residential purposes, such as a shopfront that you will also live above. 


Borrow up to 75% of the value of a property as a short-term bridging loan. You will need to display a clear exit strategy to qualify for this form of lending.

Buy-to-let and HMO

An SPV can apply for funding through InterBay to expand a property portfolio intended to be let to paying tenants. Buy-to-lket mortgages have a higher loan-to-value ratio of 80%, allow you to borrow more.

Asset finance 

InterBay also offers asset finance products through a separate website. These products are available in three forms:

Hire purchase

Borrow the cost of an asset with a minimal (or, in some cases, zero) deposit and repay InterBay for up to seven years. These repayments can be seasonal to account for changes to turnover across the financial year. Once the repayments are complete, pay a small fee to take ownership of the asset outright. 

Finance lease

Borrow the cost of an asset with a minimal (or, in some cases, zero) deposit and lease it from InterBay. Repayments can be seasonal to account for changes to turnover across the financial year, and you can make larger payments if you wish to end your agreement early. Once the lease is complete, you can return the asset to InterBay for sale, claiming a percentage of any value, or start a new agreement.

Equity release

Release equity found in assets that your business already owns. You will need to contact InterBay to discuss your options if this approach interests you. 

InterBay account login

Business loans

Not available through InterBay. See business loans

Merchant cash advance

Not available through InterBay. See merchant cash advance.

Invoice finance

Not available through InterBay. See invoice factoring.

Business vehicle finance

Not available through InterBay. See business vehicle finance

Business credit cards

Not available through InterBay. See best business credit cards

InterBay key information

Phone number0345 878 7000
App downloadsN/A
Number of branchesN/A
FSCS protected?No
Key information

InterBay reviews

Review platformScoreNumber of votes
FeefoNot reviewedN/A
Reviews.ioNot reviewedN/A
Smart Money PeopleNot reviewedN/A
Which?Not reviewedN/A
Average score2.2/59
InterBay reviews and ratings

Business eligibility criteria

InterBay apply pretty strict criteria to lending. At the very least, you will need to satisfy the following to stand a fighting chance of acceptance for funding.

  • Aged at least 18, and will be younger than 85 upon completion of a lending term
  • Provide evidence of at least 12 months of consecutive employment with the same company, or a trading history of the same length if you are applying as a sole trader or business owner.
  • Have no unspent criminal convictions
  • Have a suitable deposit. If these funds have been gifted, they must have been provided by parent, grandparent, or sibling, and this individual must provide a written statement that they will not seek repayment
  • Evidence that your income will cover mortgage repayments (no minimum turnover is assigned)
  • Minimum of two years of sector experience for any investment property that you will not be using for your own business needs
  • No IVAs, bankrupcy, orders, or repossessions in the last six years, no CCJs or defaults in the last three years, and no mortgage arrears or missed payments on secured borrowing in the last 12 months

Even if you do satisfy this criteria, there is no guarantee that InterBay will approve your application. This lender has a reputation online for taking time to make a decision, then say no anyway.

Business finance alternatives

Perhaps the most direct alternative to InterBay is Kent Reliance, a lender owned by the same parent company. Alternatively, investigate a direct commercial mortgage or asset finance provider, or team with a mortgage broker that will locate other offers that may meet your needs better.

Additional considerations

As discussed, InterBay does not have the best reputation when it comes to speed. The business is making efforts to resolve this by teaming with VAS Panel to increase turnaround time on lending decisons.


How do I apply for finance from InterBay?

Get in touch with InterBay by calling 0345 878 7000 or using the live chat facility on the lender’s website.

How much can I borrow from InterBay?

InterBay does not set a maximum cap on borrowing. If you can satisfy InterBay that you will be able to keep up with repayments on an agreement, this lender will consider your application.

What interest rate will InterBay assign to my lending?

This will be assigned upon a successful application for a commercial mortgage or asset finance package from InterBay, based on a range of factors. The more you can pay as a depost, the lower your interest will be.

Are there any hidden fees when borrowing from InterBay?

Not hidden, but InterBay do charge a set-up fee for any mortgage agreement, and you may need to team with a broker to get your application over the line which will lead to further charges.

Can I get a general business loan from InterBay?

No, InterBay does not offer generic loans to SMEs. This business speicalises in mortgages and asset-based lending.

Does InterBay work with start-ups?

Your business will need to have been established for at least 12 months to qualify for lending from InterBay.

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